Downloading Images
IMPORTANT: Please note that specific copyrights and licenses apply to all image files available via the Census database. Further information about the source of the image and the license can be found in Image Records and in the green Tags.
There are three different methods you can use to download images.
Method 1
Click the first button on the right side of the Menu bar in Detail view. Please note that this button only functions if the record contains an image available for download:
The respective license and copyright will then appear, and request you to confirm the terms of use.
Choose the size of the image download before clicking on the Download button in the lower right corner.
Method 2
Another way of accessing the Download Images command is through the Detail view menu bar.
Select the three dots on the right-hand side of the menu bar:
Select Download.
The respective license and copyright will then appear, and you will be requested to confirm the terms of use.
Choose the size of the image download before clicking on the Download button in the lower right corner
Method 3
You can also download records from the preview menu.
After you conduct a search, click on one of the results that is tagged with the green tag 'Record includes images available for download'.
Click on the download button on the upper right corner of the preview menu. Here you will see the download icon along with the number of downloadable images that are attached to the record:
The respective license and copyright will then appear, and you will be requested to confirm the terms of use.
Choose the size of the image download before clicking on the Download button in the lower right corner.
Last updated