Image Copyrights
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IMPORTANT: Please note that all images in the Census Database are subject to specific image rights or licenses.
A central component of the Census Database is the high-resolution photographs of Antique Monuments and Postclassical Works, which are freely accessible to database users.
Images are constantly being added to the Census database, and a continually-updated list of new photographic resources added since 2021 is available here.
A growing number of image files can also be directly downloaded from the Census database. Records containing images available for download are marked with a green checkmark in the results preview or a green tag in the detail view:
You can find the license for each image in the metadata of the respective image. For records of Antique Monuments and Postclassical Works, you will find the this information under Images, in the Tags field and the Copyright field.
Information on how to download images can be found here.