The Census Data Model
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When using the Census Database, it is helpful to have an overview of the different Object Types and how the records are structured.
The Census data model is structured according to the relationship between Antique Monuments and Postclassical Works, the two primary Object Types. Each Antique Monument in the Census database is linked to related Postclassical Works (which can be visual and/or written sources). One can also find Anitque Works related to Postclassical Works, since these links function in both directions.
For example, the Pantheon in Rome is linked to, among other things, a text by the architect Andrea Palladio and a floor plan of the rotunda by Alberto Alberti. These two Postclassical Works are also linked back to the Pantheon. Furthermore, if multiple copies of a Postclassical Work or multiple replicas of an ancient object exist, these connections are also represented. For example, the marble statue of Apollo Belvedere is put in relation to the presumed bronze original version of the statue.
In addition, Antique Monuments and Postclassical Works are linked to Secondary Object Types: Bibliography, Person, Style, Period, Location, and Image. These Secondary Object Types are linked to records in the Primary Object Types. For example, an ancient statue (a record in Antique Monument) can be linked to the specific page of an article that mentions it (a record in Bibliography), the artist who created it (a record in Person), the artistic style to which it can be attributed (a record in Style), the time period in which it was created (a record in Period), its former locations and present-day location (records in Location), as well as one or more images (records in Image).